Introduction #
MySQL is an open-source, freely available Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most widely utilized language for adding, accessing, and managing content in a MySQL database. It is known for its proven reliability, quick processing, ease, and flexibility of use.
MySQL is a fundamental part of almost every PHP application on the web. The most notable examples for PHP & MySQL-based platforms are open-source applications, such as OpenCart, PrestaShop, Drupal, Magento, and, of course, WordPress.
Now that you know what MySQL is, let’s explain how it can be used. MySQL utilizes the client-server model of communication. This connection is established between a MySQL Client and a MySQL Server.
The MySQL Client would be any web application or framework that can utilize databases or programs such as phpMyAdmin or MySQL workbench which are used to manage databases.
The MySQL server, on the other hand, is the service itself and it is typically running on a server. The server can be the same server that is currently accommodating the above-mentioned applications or it can be a different server. Whenever a MySQL client starts communicating with the MySQL server, we can consider this as a MySQL connection.
As we mentioned above, the MySQL service can be running on the same server as the applications or on a different server. In the first case, whenever the communication has been established, this is known as a local connection. In the second case, as the MySQL service is on a different server, it can be viewed as a remote connection.
Every MySQL client has to authenticate in front of the MySQL server so the communication between them can begin and the user can start working on their database. In order to do that, the MySQL client must provide the correct username and password, along with the hostname. If the connection is local then the hostname will be “localhost” or its IP representation “”. If the connection is established remotely, then the hostname would be the IP address or hostname of the remote MySQL server.
In addition to MySQL requiring authentication via a username-password combination when the connection is remote, the IP address or hostnames of the machine accessing the MySQL server need to be allowed to connect. This takes us to the point of this tutorial, which is aimed to teach you what to do in order to allow a remote MySQL connection to be established towards your WHM server. This is done from the “Additional MySQL Access Hosts” feature inside the WHM control panel. Let’s get right into it!
Accessing the Additional MySQL Access Hosts Feature #
First, you need to log into the WHM service for your VPS or Dedicated Server. After you have logged in, please use the search bar on the left side of the page and type “Additional MySQL Access Hosts”.

When the functionality shows up below the search bar, please click on it so you can be sent to the “Additional MySQL Access Hosts” page.
Configuring Additional MySQL Access Hosts #
When you land on the “Additional MySQL Access Hosts” page, you will notice a big content-box. Inside this content box, please enter either the hostname or IP address of the person or service you want to allow to connect to the database remotely. You need to add each IP/hostname on a separate line.

After you have typed in the desired hostnames or IP addresses, please click on the “Save” button, below the content-box. Upon doing so, you will be redirected to a page, giving you the result of what just occurred.

The last thing we are going to discuss on this page is the option to add the IP addresses or hostnames you entered in the content-box for all the cPanel users. To do that, please press the “click here” link, located on the bottom right side of the screen.

When the ”click here” link is pressed, you will be redirected to a screen showing you that the users have been updated with the entries and now remote MySQL connections can be established.

This sums up the tutorial about the “Additional MySQL Access Hosts” feature in the WHM control panel. If you are facing any difficulties adding new IP addresses/hostnames or this tutorial was not sufficient enough to explain the process, please feel free to contact our Technical Support Team and request assistance. They are 24/7 available at your disposal through the ticking system in your Client Area.