Introduction #
WHM provides you with the ability to list all of the suspended cPanel users and then lets you perform some operations with their current status. You would want to use this when you have a lot of suspended accounts and you want a list with all the information about them so that you can decide whether to unsuspend or terminate them. Let’s get right into it!
Accessing the List Suspended Accounts Feature #
First, you need to log into the WHM service for your VPS or Dedicated Server. If you are not sure how to do that, please check our How to Access WHM tutorial. After you have logged in, please navigate to the search bar on the left side of the page and type “List Suspended Accounts”.

When the functionality shows up below, click on it so you can be sent to the “List Suspended Accounts” page. The page itself consists of table rows where you can find information about all suspended accounts.
- Domain – Displays the primary domain of the account.
- User – Displays the username of the account.
- Owner – Displays the owner of the account.
- Date Suspended – Shows the date on which the account was suspended.
- Reason – Shows the reason for the suspension.
- Locked – Shows if the suspension of the account has been locked. This can be done by the root user only.

On the last two columns of each row, you will find the option to either unsuspend or terminate the account. This can be done respectfully using the “Unsuspend” and “Terminate” buttons.

If you press the “Unsuspend” button this will redirect you to a changelog page, displaying the fact that the account and the services it can use have been unsuspended.

If the “Terminate” button is pressed instead, you will be sent to the “Terminate Accounts” page, which we have made a guide about. You should definitely check it out as it explains in great detail how you can use this tool.
This was the “List Suspended Accounts” in most of its entirety! We hope that the provided information was sufficient for you to be able to easily operate through it. As always, should you experience any difficulties with this, you can always submit a ticket and request assistance from our Technical Team.